RISE (Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart System and Emerging Technologies), is a research centre in Cyprus aiming to empower knowledge and technology transfer in the region.
It plans to do so by integrating academic research and industrial innovation which will in turn lead to sustainable scientific, technological, and economic growth in Cyprus and as a result, Europe.
RISE is a joint venture between the Municipality of Nicosia, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany), the University College London (UK) and the three public universities of Cyprus - University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, and the Open University of Cyprus.
The project has received funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
The research focus of RISE is on interactive media such as Visual Sciences, Human Factors and Design, and Communications and Artificial Intelligence. Its Doctoral Training Programme (DTP) will start in 2019-2020 and will provide the best practices from around Europe.
PhD students will have to be registered at one of RISE’s Universities (University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology or Open University of Cyprus), to have access to scientific colloquia, mobility activities and visits, joint supervision of PhDs, and joint projects organized in collaboration with RISE’s advanced partners.
Deadline for applications is on the 10th of July 2019.
Indicative list of DTP courses:
Project Management
Innovation, Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial skills for Research Engineers
Product from Concept to Market
IP Protection Workshop: Key IP, commercialization, methods for Higher Education: licensing, spin-ins and spin-outs
Research Methods and Research Ethics
Science communication and dissemination
Other seminars
Applicants must:
Be 35 years of age or younger on the date of application
Have a Bachelor’s degree (4 years or 5 years program) in the area of concentration
Have an MA/MSc in the area of concentration
Have a proven record of high-achievement
Have a PhD thesis proposal centred on the topic of interest from the composed list of RISE topics.
Be fluent in written and verbal communication in English
For more information on the application process and the list of available topics click here.
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