Ultimate Beneficial Owner Registration
The Cyprus Registrar of Companies starts confirming the ultimate beneficial owners of Cypriot companies in line with the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive. This process starts on 18 January and must be completed within 6 months, whereupon information will be made public.
18 January 2021
The latest edition of EU industry days begins across the EU. This event, which features international and local events, is dedicated to industry and innovation.
22-26 February 2021
Cyprus Trusts Registry Established
The Cyprus Registrar of Companies will also being work on registering the ultimate beneficial owners of trusts registered in Cyprus. This information will not be made public.
10 March 2021
Due to COVID, the 2021 Limassol Carnival Parade has been called off. However, other events will be organised by the Municipality.
13 March 2021
COVID permitting, the 21st. Logicom Paphos Marathon will take place on Sunday, 21 March.
21 March 2021
Following the spectrum auction for 5G networks in Cyprus in December 2020, it is expected that the first 5G services will launch in May 2021. Four companies—CYTA, epic, Primetel and Cablenet have all bid for and been granted 5G licenses.
May 2021
Orthodox Easter
2 May 2021
Following its cancellation in 2020, the 2021 edition of the Limassol Boat Show takes place on 6-9 May, COVID permitting.
6-9 May 2021
Cyprus Parliamentary Elections
Parliamentary elections in Cyprus are expected on 23 May 2021.
23 May 2021
A week of events across Europe dedicated to zero pollution and other Green New Deal initiatives.
30 May – 4 June 2021
The next instalment of the Paphos Aphrodite Festival will, COVID permitting, take place in September 2021.
United Nations Climate Change Conference
The next major instalment of the UN negotiations on climate change (COP26) take place in Glasgow, Scotland. This is a major event on the climate change calendar.
1-12 November 2021